Additiv Syntes

Additiv Syntes En process för att skapa ljud där komplexa ljud genereras från kombinationen av enklare element (till exempel sinusvågor). Olika typer av enkla ljud kan kombineras för att skapa…

Fortsätt läsaAdditiv Syntes


ADSR ADSR (Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release) är en term som används för att beskriva formen på ljud över tid. (se även envelope). Ljud som börjar mycket snabbt (till exempel ett klick)…

Fortsätt läsaADSR


Akusmatisk Detta ord användes först av forntida greker och beskriver en ljudpresentation enbart av ljud (fri från distraherande associeringar till ljudens ljudkällor). Vi lyssnar på ett akusmatiskt sätt när vi…

Fortsätt läsaAkusmatisk

Akustisk Ekologi

Akustisk Ekologi Studier av förhållandet mellan individer (och samhällen) och ljuden i miljön som omger dem. Två olika exempel på ljudmiljöer (ljudlandskap) kan vara urban (en stad) eller lantlig (landsbygden).…

Fortsätt läsaAkustisk Ekologi

Algoritmisk Musik

Algoritmisk Musik Algoritmisk musik innefattar tillämpningen av algoritmer som en del av kompositionsprocessen (en algoritm är en procedur eller formel, t.ex. för att lösa ett problem). Denna term är ett…

Fortsätt läsaAlgoritmisk Musik


Amplitud En teknisk term som beskriver ljudstyrka. Ju högre amplitud hos en ljudvåg, desto större ljudstyrka. Amplituden avser mängden förflyttning som ljudvågsvibrationen utövar. Var försiktig med ljud som har en…

Fortsätt läsaAmplitud


Amplitudmodulering En typ av manipulation där en insignal modulerar amplituden av ett annat ljud. När du är klar i sub-ljudområdet med, till exempel, en LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator) sinusvåg, är…

Fortsätt läsaAmplitudmodulering


Analog En kontinuerlig signal i tid, som i musik möjliggör kontinuerlig inspelning av ljudsignaler. Före digital teknik var alla system analoga. Även om analoga system möjliggör en trogen, kontinuerlig inspelning…

Fortsätt läsaAnalog

Art of Noises

Art of Noises Skrivet av Luigi Russolo, broschyren hävdade att traditionella orkestrar begränsade sig till endast fyra eller fem olika typer av ljud: 1. Instrument spelade med stråke, 2. Knäppinstrument,…

Fortsätt läsaArt of Noises


Automation Ett verktyg som låter dig ändra ljudets variabla parametrar över tid. Genom att markera automatiseringspunkter är det möjligt att förändra manipulationer (effekter) över tid. Detta gör att kompositören kan…

Fortsätt läsaAutomation

Balansera ljud

Balansera ljud Balansering är en term som används för att beskriva hanteringen av ljudnivåer och panorering i en slutmix. Bedriften av en välbalanserad mix kommer att se till att alla…

Fortsätt läsaBalansera ljud

Band-reject Filter

Band-reject Filter Ett band-reject filter tar bort ett (litet) frekvensområde som omger en mittfrekvens. Band-reject filtret låter inte ett visst ljudband passera. Används bäst för att ta bort ljud inom…

Fortsätt läsaBand-reject Filter


Bandpassfilter Ett bandpassfilter släpper bara igenom ett (litet) frekvensområde som omger en mittfrekvens. Bandpassfiltret tillåter bara ett ljudband att passera igenom. Används bäst för att framhäva ljudfrekvenser i ett specifikt…

Fortsätt läsaBandpassfilter


Beating Interaktionen mellan två enkla toner, som resulterar i en rytmisk interferensinteraktion mellan dem. Slagfrekvensen motsvarar skillnaden i frekvens mellan de två tonerna. (mindre frekvensskillnad = snabbare slag).  

Fortsätt läsaBeating


Binaural Vid en binauralinspelning placeras mikrofonerna i de yttre öronens position, eller i en simulering av detta. Denna mikrofoninställning syftar till att fånga ljud i en naturlig aural 3D (tredimensionell)…

Fortsätt läsaBinaural


Chorus Användningen av att addera flera lager på ett eller flera ljud, ofta med mycket små förskjutningar. Effekten leder till att ge intrycket av en dubblering av det ursprungliga ljudet,…

Fortsätt läsaChorus


An artwork in which small fragments are cut and pasted together to make a larger final work. In sound-based music this may concern extremely brief elements of sound material up…

Fortsätt läsaCollage

Computer Music

This term covers a broad range of music created through the use of one or more computers. The computer may work as (assistant) composer, as in Algorithmic music. Alternatively the computer…

Fortsätt läsaComputer Music

Contact Microphone

A simple recording technology that allows sound vibration travelling through solid objects to be detected and recorded. Contact microhpones are made from piezoelectric crystals, which induce an electric current when…

Fortsätt läsaContact Microphone


A tool that allows a physical control of a certain parameter. These might take the form of a series of faders, potentiometers or a keyboard interface.

Fortsätt läsaController


A process in which a given input signal is looped and repeated, but with some period of time (delay) between the original sound and the repeated sound.  This can be…

Fortsätt läsaDelay


The distribution, and relative concentration, of sound through a space. Electroacoustic diffusion refers to the practice of distributing sound throughout a space using multiple loudspeakers, usually with real-time control over…

Fortsätt läsaDiffusion


The storage format used by computers, where information is broken into individual chunks (packets). Digital is in contrast to Analogue which stores information in continuious streams. Computers store information in binary, using…

Fortsätt läsaDigital

Digital Audio

Computers can’t read continuous signals. Instead they need digits, blocks of information which they can process. Sound wave vibrations in the air are continuous streams of information. Therefore, for computers…

Fortsätt läsaDigital Audio


What is Distortion? Distortion is sometimes used deliberately as an effect, but can also be created accidentally within the process of mixing. If a sound wave is so loud that…

Fortsätt läsaDistortion


The process of selection, cutting, layering and ordering through which elements are combined and polished in the creation of a final work.

Fortsätt läsaEditing


The process of converting sound wave vibrations into electrical signals, or electrical signals into sound wave vibrations. Microphones convert sound wave vibrations into electrical signals and loudspeakers convert electrical signals…

Fortsätt läsaElectroacoustic

Electroacoustic music

Music in which electronic technology is used to manipulate, eventually generate, explore and combine sounds. Electroacoustic Music Music in which electronic technology, now primarily computer-based, is used to access, generate,…

Fortsätt läsaElectroacoustic music

Electronic Music

Music in which the sound material is not pre-recorded, but instead uniquely generated electronically, through oscillators and noise generators. There are some, particularly in the United States, who use this…

Fortsätt läsaElectronic Music


This term is used in two different ways. It is synonymous with certain innovative electronic forms of pop music including so-called Intelligent Dance Music (IDM). Most of this music is…

Fortsätt läsaElectronica


The shape of a sound over time. This is a key parameter of sound and by changing the envelope we can radically transform how a something sounds. A more scientific…

Fortsätt läsaEnvelope


A process by which the various frequency energies of sounds can be balanced, usually using a series of band filters to boost or cut certain portions of the sound. For…

Fortsätt läsaEqualisation

Field Recording

Recording that takes place outside of controlled studio environments. Field recording allows for the capture of sounds from objects which could never fit within a recording studio or sound stage.…

Fortsätt läsaField Recording


A filter changes the frequency makeup of a sound by making parts of it weaker. Filters allow you to focus on parts of a sound that are of interest to…

Fortsätt läsaFilter

Filter Sweep

The combination of Automation and a Filter, creating a dynamic sound gesture. Filter Sweep This is an example of a filter sweep. You can hear the filter changing over time. As the filter…

Fortsätt läsaFilter Sweep


An effect that uses very short Delays (in ms) to create a cancellation effect when a delayed copy of a sound is added to the original audio stream. See Phase. Flanging is…

Fortsätt läsaFlanging


The shape and structure of one, or a group of many, sounds. Form might refer to the shape and structure of individual sounds, or of an entire piece. It is…

Fortsätt läsaForm(s)


förstärkning Förstärkningen av signalens amplitud för att öka ljudsignalens upplevda volym och energi. Förstärkare kan vara elektroniska eller akustiska resonatorer (t.ex. en gitarrs ljudbox).  

Fortsätt läsaförstärkning


A technical term that describes Pitch. The higher the frequency of a sound the higher it sounds in pitch. Frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz). The number of wave cycles per…

Fortsätt läsaFrequency


A group of artists, writers and musicians who felt that traditional music was out of date. They wanted a new style of music for the new technological age in which…

Fortsätt läsaFuturists


Gain is a measure of how loudly the sound plays back. You can change gain, just like you can turn the volume up or down on your TV or stereo.…

Fortsätt läsaGain


A Gesture is an energy trajectory (pathway), moving from one point to another. They always move forwards and give the impression of passing time (the opposite would be texture, which…

Fortsätt läsaGesture


Glitches are mistakes that come from technology. They might be clicks or pops on a vinyl record or tape, skips on a CD or mistakes in a digital file. Just…

Fortsätt läsaGlitch


Grains of Sound Imagine the grains of sand on a beach. Each of them is very small, but together they can form sand castles and even mighty sand dunes. Grains…

Fortsätt läsaGrain

Graphic Score

A way of notating music and sound visually but without using traditional notation. Traditional notation provides a performer with instructions about the type of sound that they should create. When…

Fortsätt läsaGraphic Score


A concentration of sound wave energy that relates to a fundamental frequency. A Sine Wave is a simple sound and a concentration of soundwave energy at a single frequency. Harmonic sounds are…

Fortsätt läsaHarmonic


Harmoniser a manipulation in which several versions of an input sound of identical Duration (in Phase) are created at specifically chosen pitches. This manipulation can be used to create both Harmonic and Inharmonic polyphonic textures. Harmonising is…

Fortsätt läsaHarmoniser


A pair of small loudspeakers designed to be worn directly on or in the ears. Because these loudspeakers are so close to your ears you should be especially careful with…

Fortsätt läsaHeadphones


a Microphone technology designed to record sound waves travelling through liquids. Hydrophones, like contact microphones, use piezoelectric crystals to induce an electrical signal. Hydropones get their name from the Greek words for…

Fortsätt läsaHydrophone

Impulse Click

Impulses are very short sounds which make a click. Their Envelope will dictate how sharp or smooth they sound but they often sound like Noisy clicks. An individual click sound.

Fortsätt läsaImpulse Click


an inharmonic sound is a complex sound in which the sound energy is not distributed across the spectrum in a mathmatically ordered fashion (sound energy partials are distributed, relative to…

Fortsätt läsaInharmonic


The sound installation can be considered the equivalent of a musical sculpture, an auditory experience designed and created generally for an exhibition space of visual arts or for a specific…

Fortsätt läsaInstallation


An interface bridges two worlds, allowing physical interaction with computer processes, (in the previous example it bridges the physical world of the performer and the digital world of the computer).

Fortsätt läsaInterface


A compositional approach in which different sound textures are placed alongside one another. It allows the listener to compare and contrast one sound texture against another, and for the composer…

Fortsätt läsaLayering


a manipulation which prevents the amplitude of an audio signal exceeding a chosen dynamic level. This can be useful in reducing dynamic range without causing clipping. These are often used…

Fortsätt läsaLimiter


Attention focused upon sounds. On this website you will come across a few different types of listening: Contextual Listening, Heightened Listening, Passive Listening and Musical Listening. Pierre Schaeffer was the…

Fortsätt läsaListening

Live Electronics

live performance with electronic instrument devices that can be controlled in real time. Live electronics performances might involve a fixed (non-real time) element and/or a part for traditional orchestral instruments…

Fortsätt läsaLive Electronics


To loop a sound is to continuously repeat it. Pierre Schaeffer used looping to draw the listener’s focus away from the source of the sound, and towards the rhythm and…

Fortsätt läsaLoop


The relative volume of a sound, ranging from loud to quiet. Loudness can be scientifically defined in terms of amplitude, BUT it is in fact a relative property of sound.…

Fortsätt läsaLoudness


A loudspeaker is a device designed to reproduce sounds. It takes an electrical signal and coverts it in to sound wave vibrations in the air. The loudspeaker does this through…

Fortsätt läsaLoudspeaker

Low-pass Filter

A low-pass filter lets the bass tones through (the low frequencies) and removes the treble (high frequencies). The separation between low and high frequencies is called the cut-off frequency. If…

Fortsätt läsaLow-pass Filter

lowercase sound

a style of music and sound works that focus upon quiet, small, or commonly ‘overlooked’ sounds. Lowercase artists are most interested in listening as a creative act, and seek to…

Fortsätt läsalowercase sound

Luigi Russolo

He was a member of a group of Italian artists call the ‘Futurists’. They wanted to inspire people to make music that reflected the new industrial world of big ships,…

Fortsätt läsaLuigi Russolo


this term refers to the linking of variables. For example, the linking of a MIDI control Interface to control parameters within the programme. OR in synthesis the linking of note velocity with…

Fortsätt läsaMapping


Microphones are used to capture sounds. They detect vibrations in the air caused by sound waves and convert these into electrical signals, These electrical signals are then passed on to…

Fortsätt läsaMicrophone


A microsound is a sound that is too short to be heard on its own. It can last up to ca. 1/10 of a second. Microsounds, when heard together, can…

Fortsätt läsaMicrosound


a language of instruction information, designed to allow pieces of musical equipment to communicate with one another. MIDI information is information about action to be taken (for example the instruction…

Fortsätt läsaMIDI


A Greek word referring to the imitation of nature or culture. Often used as a term to describe recognisibility, it is the opposite of abstract (Abstract Sounds). A mimetic sound,…

Fortsätt läsaMimesis