On this page teachers are able to download Teachers’ Packs for all of the projects (sets of lessons) on this EARS 2 website.

Currently there are 11 projects including the introduction, sets of three main projects at three levels (9) and the noise and glitch project. These packs are free to download and offer teachers, in particular those with absolutely no previous experience, everything they need to know enabling them to present the EARS 2 projects to their students with confidence.

Teachers are able to set up classrooms whereby they can follow their students’ progress. These packs deal specifically with project content and, for teachers in England and Wales, valuable information regarding how each project reflects key learning objectives regarding the National Curriculum. It is hoped that this information is easily translated into equivalent learning goals in other nations. The packs have all been written by Dr. Motje Wolf whose PhD research contributed strongly to the EARS 2 pedagogical project. The EARS 2 team hope that you will find these Teachers’ Packs of great value and would appreciate your feedback regarding the packs and anything else on EARS 2.