Compose with Sounds

How it works

To open Compose with Sounds (CwS), please click on your own .comp file or open the software. When creating a new project, you have two choices to make: use the sounds that come with the software (only to become acquainted with it as these sounds are there for that purpose) or import sounds of your choice. The second choice that you have is to do with how many of the manipulation and generation tools are on offer.  CwS allows you to create a template of what you use in any session, using tools at level 1, level 2 or level 3 or any combination you would like. Importing sounds and creating templates are quite easy.

Once this is done, you can start your session and save it, possibly with a version number so as not to overwrite a previous version of your piece. The CwS developers have tried to make its operation as intuitive as possible. Higher level aspects may involve a bit more playing with than lower level tools; all are intended to be musically interesting and fun to use. Your main window is the sequencer window upo which you will create your works. Double-click any individual sound and the manipulation window will open where you can enhance your sound in a large number of ways. Saved work means that the mix file of your session (the sequencer as you see it) can be recalled and, where relevant, uploaded to a schools server or to the CwS server. Your piece can also be bounced to audio so that people can listen to your piece without downloading the mix.

CwS functionality, level by level includes the following:


Volume, Pan, Simple Delay, Echo, Cut/Paste,