Willkommen in der Welt des Musizierens mit Klängen.
The intention of EARS 2 is to introduce people of all ages, but especially those starting secondary education and their teachers, to the world of making music with sounds.
This type of music, known as electroacoustic, electronic or sound-based music, is one of the most exciting new forms of music that came out of the twentieth century and is thriving today around the globe. Much of what can do with sounds has been made possible due to the development in technologies which we can use to make music.
The goal here is to offer EARS 2 users the chance to learn about all aspects of this music in an integrated, user friendly and enjoyable manner.
Erst loslegen?
Take some time to explore our introducory course – Music of Sounds. Not only will this introduce to electroacoustic music, it will also help you to prepare to learn. Not signed up yet? Be sure to click here.
Komponieren mit Sounds

Compose with Sounds ist ein kostenloses Tool zum Erstellen eigener Audiokompositionen. Durch das Herunterladen unseres kostenlosen Tools können Sie an unseren Lektionen teilnehmen, unseren Anleitungen folgen und Ihre Kompositionen in Ihr Profil hochladen.