Listening Challenges

Listening Challenge 1

Sit still and listen to the sounds around you. Listen to the sound with the highest pitch and to the sounds with the lowest.

Listening Challenge 2

Each room has its own characteristic sound. When you go through a door today, listen to the change of the sonic environment.

Listening Challenge 3

Can you imagine the sound of a car passing by in detail? Go to a Street. Compare.

Listening Challenge 4

Take 30sec and listen to all sounds around you. Do this now. Do this again tonight.

Listening Challenge 5

Can you remember yesterday’s sounds? What was the difference between morning and evening listening?

Listening Challenge 6

Have you noticed how different your sonic environment sounds depending on the weather?

Listening Challenge 7

Shut your ears for 30 sec. Then listen for all sounds around you for another 30 sec. What did you hear?

Listening Challenge 8

Take 60sec: What is your favourite sound? Imagine it in all detail. Share your thoughts if possible.

Listening Challenge 9

Take 60sec and listen to all sounds around you. Can you hear different rhythms? Share your thoughts if possible.

Listening Challenge 10

Sit still and listen to all sounds around you. Do you hear different sounds as you would in the morning? Share your thoughts if possible.

Listening Challenge 11

Wherever you are – can you hear a bird sing right now?

Listening Challenge 12

Pick three sounding objects around you. Listen to it for 20sec each. What happens to the other objects when you focus on one?

Listening Challenge 13

Which are the sound that are specific for the place where you are right now? Listen and share if possible.

Listening Challenge 14

My sounds of the week were rain, wind, singing voices and the clicking of my computer keyboard. What were yours?

Listening Challenge 15

Which sounds are specific for your city?

Listening Challenge 16

Thinking again about the sounds of your city: which are different, which are similar to the sounds of another country?

Can you think of your own listening challenges?